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Digital content creator and beautypreneur Joanna Kinuthia has addressed concerns raised by some customers regarding her lip oil products, which reportedly caused a negative reaction in a few users

Responding to the feedback, Joanna reassured her clientele of her dedication to delivering quality products. “Let’s talk about lip oils, guys. I love feedback. If you choose to come and give us feedback, you are giving us the opportunity to grow. If you used to buy something from us and stopped, if you come to us, we take it very seriously.”

She further clarified that the lip oils in question were part of the brand’s first batch and noted that the majority of feedback had been positive. However, she acknowledged a few concerns and explained her team is addressing them. “We actually make calls to those who have purchased from us, and we’ve gotten a few concerns that we’ve been handling one-on-one. We’re trying to find out what could have gone wrong. Why did an oil react to one person and not the other? I really appreciate everyone for being patient because we’re asking a million questions to ensure that in the next batches, we can come up with a better formula for you guys.”

Joanna says she remains focused on delivering the best possible products and urged her clients to voice any concerns. “If you ever have a concern about our product, never feel like you can’t come to us. I’m very keen on giving you the best.

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