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Celebrated radio presenter Jeridah Andayi marked World Radio Day with a reflection on her 24-year career which she describes as her first true love.

Jeridah recently bid farewell to the Royal Media Services after two decades with the station and relocated to the United States.

On February 13, as the world celebrates the power of radio, she took to social media to open up about working on radio.  “We met in 1999! We fell in love. Deeply in love. Like soulmates. Lovebirds. Then we got a little… well… we just… (sigh)… the magic, the spark, the magnetic energy kind of… I don’t know… We… We still loved each other… I think. But the energy. The energy sort of… I’m sorry… It’s me. I’m the issue.”

According to Jeridah, radio had given its all, however, she admitted that she might have become the problem, (He) gave his all. Probably still loved me as from the start. But me… I don’t know… It’s me. They say I’m impatient. Hard to love. Unpredictable… Easily bored. I was committed for 24 plus years. That’s long. I just needed a break. To find myself. To align… To work on Me. So I took a break from My First True Love. Do I miss (Him)? Well… Happy World Radio Day. Radio is My First True Love on these career streets.

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