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Bonfire director Sarah Kabu has reprimanded comedian Eric Omondi for neglecting his son with personality Jacque Maribe. The businesswoman told off Eric for failing to pay his son’s school fees and making fun of the situation. Kabu urged Omondi to man up and take care of his  son.

Eric Omondi you are my good friend and am also your realest fan too! but not paying school fees and upkeep for your child and making fun about it live on camera isn’t funny at all. I’m heartbroken for Jackie. Please man up now and take responsibility as I know you make good money with your comedy. We are living in hard times,” she wrote.  

This comes a day after Maribe said she is taking care of the child by herself, “I have absolute love for this here son of mine, fruit of my womb that I wanted. And I’m blessed to be custodian over him. Now, a lot of people have asked me to be quiet about what the real story on the ground is, I respect that. But I also ask that you respect me enough to be really real,” she wrote in part. 

Maribe also added that she will not expose her issues with Eric to the public, “I wouldn’t air any dirty laundry. A lot of my real friends love him, and us, he’s such a charming person. My family adores him. So, all said and done, and you can read in between the lines if you want, I’m hopelessly in love with motherhood. And as a single mum doing everything on her own, my goal is to raise a brilliant person, as he already is. I love my son, I’ll stand by him, any day, every day.

Kevin Koech is a Kenyan blogger writing on governance, fraud, politics, social media and celebrity gossip with over three years experience in digital content creation with an incline in editing.

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