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Renowned entrepreneur Michelle Ntalami is celebrating 365 days without alcohol. 

Reflecting on her journey, the founder of Marini Naturals shared, “Imagine fam, one full year of zero alcohol! I recall last year when I first shared that I was celebrating my 30-day milestone, some folks laughed and said 30 days is too short and soon I’ll be back at it. Well, here we are, a full year!”

Ntalami said that her decision to quit alcohol was made independently. “Quitting alcohol is something I did even before my encounter with God. While I was never addicted, it doesn’t take one to be addicted to let go of a bad habit. If anything, that’s the best time to quit as you have more resolve to let go of it before you’re bound.”

Approximately three months before her sobriety journey began, Ntalami made significant lifestyle changes. She stopped going to clubs and gave away her stash of alcohol. She was determined to eliminate anything and anyone that was not beneficial to her well-being.

This tells you that it does not take you to follow in a certain faith to quit bad habits, situations, or people. It is absolutely possible by your own volition. This is my sincere encouragement to you who is thinking of letting go of anything. God gave us our own will-power to make and stick to the right choices in life. You can do it.

Ntalami offers practical advice for those looking to break free from bad habits: “Start by cutting out the negative influences that lead to your bad habit; the spaces and places, the people or person, the music, the supplier, etc. In time, you won’t have the desire to engage in that habit anymore. It is possible, I did it!”

For those who share her faith, Ntalami adds, “To my believers, in addition, pray it away. Here’s a prayer to stand on God’s promise for whatever keeps you bound: ‘Now I will break their yoke of bondage from your neck and tear your shackles away.’ ~ Nahum 1:13.

She notes improvements in her skin and sleep, but most importantly, she has reclaimed her Sundays for spiritual devotion. “Life alcohol-free since has been so beautiful! Aside from better skin and sleep, the best thing for me is I got my Sundays back and now they fully belong to The Lord!”

She looks forward to continuing her journey and encourages others to take the first step towards positive change. “Here’s to one year alcohol-free and a lifetime to go!”

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