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Activist Boniface Mwangi recently shared his mental health battle, revealing that he faced suicidal thoughts in August this year. 

In a public statement, Mwangi detailed how overwhelming grief, trauma, and the escalating violence in Kenya pushed him to a breaking point. “On August 3, 2024, I found myself in a very dark place and considered taking my own life. A few days earlier, l had signed my will, then rang or texted a few people. It was my farewell. I wanted to die. Exit this world for good. There was simply too much pain, grief, and trauma in my life that I couldn’t bear it any longer. I couldn’t continue watching helplessly as our country was sucked into a sickening, deadly vortex of State-sanctioned violence, targeting innocent Kenyans.”

However, the support of his family and friends helped him reconsider and seek professional help. “In writing this now, I am aware that it might attract ridicule and trolling from the usual suspects, but I’m a firm believer in telling your story. Although I wanted to commit suicide, my family and friends threw a ring of love and empathy around me that made me reconsider. They forced me to seek professional help, and to take a health break to focus on my mental wellness. That helped to re-center me.”

The intervention helped him regain focus and take steps toward healing, providing him with a fresh outlook on life. Acknowledging the personal risk in sharing his experience, Mwangi highlighted the importance of speaking openly about mental health.

“I have a fresh and new lease of life now, and truly appreciate the overwhelming love and support that was extended to me and my family during that time when the darkness threatened to overcome us. Even though I don’t owe anyone an explanation, my supporters deserve at least an update, and perhaps elaboration of the circumstances that continue to assail many of those who put their lives on the line fighting for the betterment of this country.”

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