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Rapper Noti Flow has been known for her gorgeous, smooth face. However, this week, she shocked her fans after she posted a video of herself without make-up, revealing her struggle with acne.

Well it definitely took me a lot of confidence to do this. But I realized I have a good platform to inspire and encourage young women with same skin problem as mine and why not.

Av been struggling with acne since my adolescence days and my mom said it’s only gonna last a few years then my skin would clear when I grow up but that didn’t just happen.

For the longest time I didn’t like my face coz of the spots that kept coming and disappearing but my family and friends kept telling me am beautiful way before I knew what makeup was. My face is not usually like this always.

Sometimes it’s clear like a baby’s with no spot. But sometimes for example when am stressed up and it’s about that time of the month it becomes bad! It’s just something I had to get used to and find a way to live with meanwhile as I still struggle to get the best medication that will clear for good.

I learnt how to love and embrace it. And still do my thang and be the Noti Flow that I am. I wear makeup coz it gives me confidence and so coz I love wearing it. Ladies, let no man dictate or question why you’re wearing makeup. It’s coz you choose to.

You are beautiful with makeup, You are beautiful without makeup. You are a Queen and you do what you want. This transformation video is dedicated to all the women out there with eczema, discoloration, acne, scars, stretch mark,or any beauty marks.

y’all are beautiful. Regardless of what you may be dealing with it’s going to be okay and you are going to be better for it. Will repeat beauty is not makeup! Be confident in your own skin.” She said.


I am a journalist, fashion show choreographer, a backstage manager, an actress and the owner of buzzcentral.co.ke. As a journalist, I specifically focus on entertainment and feature writing.

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