Despite being given a promise ring by her long time boyfriend Ciggie Johnson, Mishi Dora has revealed that she is not ready to get married anytime soon, “He gave me the promise ring because I was mad and he promised not to look at other bitches’ asses or to cheat on me. I want to concentrate on my show and also shoot movies; I have to accomplish a lot of things before I settle down. I know him; he will not allow me to do what I am doing now if I get married, Ciggie will want me to join him in family business.”
This comes after Mishi caught him staring at another woman’s ass which led her to throw the flowers he bought her and repeatedly hit him with them. But Ciggie decided to make amends by getting her a promise ring, which she gave her when the pair had a romantic dinner and he decided to hide the ring inside her favourite food but it did not go so well as she almost chocked on it, later she accepted the ring.
Mishi also denied allegations that she has been dating a mzungu, “I have never dated a mzungu that was just a cover up for my boyfriend Ciggie who did not want to be in the lime light. I begged him before he agreed be in Nairobi Diaries, he is a business man and he did not want to be mixed up with the show but he decided to do it. People think he is with me for fame or just using me but I have known him for a long time and we have been dating, I just did not reveal him,” said Mishi.