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Former TV journalist Louis Otieno’s son Silas Miami shared his nude picture to his Twitter fans, on the photo Silas bares it all for the world to see, “I’ve achieved a lot. But this photo brings me more pride than anything I’ve ever shot. It’s the exact moment I let go of the last ‘fuck’ I ever gave. Self-portrait. 24 (2016),” he twitted.

Silas Miami

Late last month the filmmaker announced he got married to the love if his life Patrick, though they will maintain an open relationship “I met and married someone just under a year ago. He’s got all the things, kindness, courage, honesty etc, but, while why all this is all fine and great, that is not why I married him.

In fact, neither of us believed in marriage. We still don’t. But after months of us looking at options for what companionship would look like, especially seeing as travel isn’t exactly easy for us, we settled on going for it.

Silas and his partner Patrick.

We maintain an ethically polyamorous situation because monogamy gives us both migraines. That being said, Patrick Miami (yes, he took my name) is my primary life partner and I’m proud to be his.

Now this is going to get ugly, but that’s okay. I can take the hit. The next couples of days will a lot. But I’m happy. And I anted to share my happiest with you.”

I am a journalist, fashion show choreographer, a backstage manager, an actress and the owner of buzzcentral.co.ke. As a journalist, I specifically focus on entertainment and feature writing.

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