When Sauti Sol’s reality TV show aired, Sol Family, it’s safe to say that we all fell in love with the members a lot more as we got to know intimate details about their lives.
To be honest, Chimano’s super infectious laughter is still one thing I can’t get over. In the latest episode of the reality show, Chimano shows us another side of him; his love for family and especially his sister.
“Me and Chimano go way back,” says his sister, Barbara Mmbaka aka Duchess of Ikolomani, proud of her roots. “Chim is my little brother… but now he’s a man. He’d be annoyed if he heard me call him ‘little’,” she adds cheerfully.
“Chimano used to get away with everything!” Notes Barbara, stating that for the longest they were a family of three, two girls and a boy, Chimano being the last born. “He’d even snitch on us sometimes,” she says. The family grew when they got a younger brother. “When Tito came, Chim was a little jealous,” adds the Spice FM radio host.
“Siz anasema niko na jokes mob. But that’s probably when I 25. Right now, I’m only thinking of the future,” Chimano cheekily quips.
In the episode, the musician reminisces growing up saying, “At my mom’s home, flour from the posho mill used to be stored in a small white bucket-like container and my sister is still carrying on with the tradition. We used to get flour from the posho mill every Sunday after church. It was a family outing.”
I am a journalist, fashion show choreographer, a backstage manager, an actress and the owner of buzzcentral.co.ke. As a journalist, I specifically focus on entertainment and feature writing.