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The year 2020 was like none before, it brought hardships and it has left us with some lessons. Radio and TV personality Sheila Mwanyigha has opened up about her fears throughout 2020 and hopes for the new year.

In a lengthy post, Mwanyigha said, “I think I’ve said this before, but I’m afraid I must tell you again. If I told you there’s nothing, I’m afraid of, I’d be lying. In fact, this year birthed new fears that I could never have imagined. I went from saying bless you any time someone sneezed, to dialing 719 without even having to look at my keypad!

I resisted the urge to place an L sign on my car as I drove on the roads in the last hour before curfew, hoping that drivers would be kinder to a ‘learner’ as they teleported past in their auto-rocket ships to Mars-abit via Thika road, Dago and Rongai. They weren’t.

Oh and how could I almost forget standing in a supermarket, with nothing in my trolley because I was too scared to reach out for anything. Eventually I picked up two bottles of wine and chocolate, then went home and wondered how I’d make ugali from wine since I didn’t pick up flour.

After several people I knew, died, I feared asking after people I hadn’t seen- or were trending on Twitter.
I dreaded asking about friends, enemies, pretty much anyone and everyone. I didn’t want to be told about who was gone and buried before I even got to say goodbye.

If you thought the Fyre Festival was a mess, say hello to my Fear Festival! Which I must add, lasted a lot longer than that hellish documentary!
But as I type this out, I guess if I’m really being honest, fear didn’t just own 2020 and I. As I look back on this decade, every single thing I feared, came to pass. I kid you not!

The things I dared not even think about, happened so swiftly and I look at them, not as Please-God-No’s, but as events long gone by. Did being afraid help me at all? Nope. Not in the least bit. Did these things I was scared of break me? No. I’m still here. If anything, here and tired. I’m sure I’m not the only one whose side-hustle was flying the fear flag high, but I don’t have the strength to continue anymore.

Iyamtayyad. I kent! I’m bigly done with being afraid. “So, what are you going to do?” I hear you ask.
Well, before the New Year intergalactic auto-teleporting travels begin, let me stop by the supermarket, for that packet of flour, so we can chat over Ugali, chocolates and two bottles of wine. #ɢᴏᴏᴅʙʏᴇ2020

I am a journalist, fashion show choreographer, a backstage manager, an actress and the owner of buzzcentral.co.ke. As a journalist, I specifically focus on entertainment and feature writing.

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