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Gospel singer Kevin Kioko popularly known as Bahati has been rocking different hairstyles that sometimes gets him on the receiving end with a section of social media users. This is because every time the singer changes his hairstyle, he must ask his fans to rate his new look. Here are some of Bahati’s hairstyles that got the attention of many. 

White braids

In April 2021, Bahati sparked mixed reactions after unleashing a new look which appears to be that of white bob braids. The singer’s comment section was flooded with hilarious reactions with a section of social media users dismissing it, while others approved it.

As a brother. There is a show look and a biz look! This is for the show, the look you make on the day of the show then tomorrow you remove it but the most important thing is your hair, are the one who decides!” commented comedian Jalang’o.

Pink coloured hair 

In June 2020, Bahati stepped out looking all fresh with his hair dyed pink, asking his fans if he looks good with it. However, fans came in large numbers to discourage the new hairstyle saying he looked like the covid-19 illustration. Among those who commented was fellow musician Willy Paul who wondered if Diana Marua failed to advise her husband against having the dye. “Sasa wewe, Diana hakukuambia ukweli bro? I’m so disappointed ume over do. Unaka pink panther, pink panther wa masaku hahahaha,” wrote Wily Paul

Long dreadlocks 

In April 2019, the singer left tongues wagging after stepping out rocking long dreads. The new hairstyle sparked outrage from among others his own wife, Marua, who noted that she was not impressed maintaining that it did not look good on him. “Babe, I never fold on you, but this look on you, naaaaahhhh. Who’s with me?” wrote Marua

Baby locks

Every time Bahati faces criticism over his new hairstyle, he changes to his normal hairstyle which he has rocked since joining the music industry. In May 2020, the singer changed his hairstyle after his wife and a number of his fans discouraged it. Around that time, drama ensued during a past episode of Bahati’s reality show, when Marua tried to shave off the singer’s dreadlocks.  “If you support @dianamarua and you also want me to shave my dreadlocks comment nyooa,” said the singer. 

Kevin Koech is a Kenyan blogger writing on governance, fraud, politics, social media and celebrity gossip with over three years experience in digital content creation with an incline in editing.

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