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Popular comedians Nasra and her husband Rashid recently did and Q and A on their YouTube channel where they responded an array of questions including how her parents reacted to her being married to a non-Somali man.

In the video, Nasra broke down in tears while explaining the challenges they faced before their relationship was finally approved. “I’m very emotional, it has not been easy. It was very hard and led to so many difficult challenges and we thank God we finally overcame the challenges. I’m emotional because if it was not for my mum this would have never happened, she’s been there for me throughout.

I would like to say that it doesn’t matter where your partner comes from but as long as you’re not going against God that’s the only important thing. There’s nothing like a black or white person, a Luo or a Luhya those are jus things that we get into our heads for negativity purposes and it is not important,” she affirmed.

On why she chose Nasra as his perfect match, Rashid explained that he discovered his wife was religious, respectful and very thoughtful. “Women are everywhere as we all know but everyone has their perfect partner. One of the things that I considered in her was the fact that she is very religious, a religious woman will take care of your home whether you’re there or not and also take good care of your kids. Nasra is also thoughtful, respectful and very disciplined,” said Rashid.

The couple also spoke on how they handle pressure from social media, stating that they never let anything bothering them to get in their heads. “Pressure is there, a lot. However, we are very easy and real and we don’t fake anything because that’s how it is. The good thing with we take time and for sure with time you’ll see progress. Which will happen but through a process, nothing comes instantly,” said Nasra.

Nasra further explained why she was alone during their recent ceremony ‘Nikah’, clarifying that the actual wedding ceremony is yet to take place. “I explained that our Nikah was not recorded and we are content creators so it was obvious to inform you guys of our wedding and we had to prove with a video. We decided to make our own video for our fans. Basically that was us recording something for you guys,” she said.

Kevin Koech is a Kenyan blogger writing on governance, fraud, politics, social media and celebrity gossip with over three years experience in digital content creation with an incline in editing.

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