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Popular vlogger and entrepreneur Sheila Ndinda recently opened up on her experience as a new mother. The mother to a 12-month-old son said she never wanted to become a mother. She noted that she always thought for one to become a mother, she must be married. However, one year before conceiving, everything changed.

I never wanted to become a mother. I always thought the day I become a mother I have to be married but then things happed. I remember one year before I conceived, I always wanted to become a mother. A lot of my fiends had newborns at that particular time and I started having a baby fever,” said Ndinda.

Sheila also spoke on having her son while working terming it the worst timing ever, also disclosing that she was at work a day before giving birth. “I gave birth to him in April right in the middle of the pandemic and I was also in the process of expanding my business, it was the worst timing ever. A day before he was born, I was at work and I went back officially three weeks afterwards just to show my face and see if there is progress,” she added.

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On the hardest thing about motherhood, the entrepreneur mentioned it was breastfeeding. “Right now, I keep blaming myself because Roman didn’t breastfeed for long because I wasn’t there. I feel so bad about it even right now he doesn’t like milk. At four months he didn’t want to breast feed at least we were able to make it to seven months because I was tried to force him,” said Ndinda.

She, however, managed to train her son to sleep and by the time he was five-months-old he was able to sleep through the night by himself. “I trained him from when he was four-months-old and when he got to five, he was already sleeping through the night by himself,” she said. 

Kevin Koech is a Kenyan blogger writing on governance, fraud, politics, social media and celebrity gossip with over three years experience in digital content creation with an incline in editing.

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