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Aljazeera correspondent Catherine Wambua Soi is mourning following the death of her husband, Robert Soi. Robert who previously worked at KTN and CGTN, died on Wednesday afternoon, May 26, at the Nairobi hospital after a long illness.

Through her Twitter page, Wambua made a lengthy post mourning her departed husband, saying she had his back to the last minute. “My heart is broken into a million pieces. He was always our Roberto. Will forever be my Robs. My person has gone and I thank God he went knowing I’ve always had his back no matter what. Rest with the angel’s baby, say hi to our dads. I’ll see you there,” wrote Wambua.

According to reports, Robert was admitted to Nairobi Hospital on May 20 where he underwent surgery. However, he later went into a coma until on the aforesaid date when he took the final bow. He is survived by his wife. 

Kevin Koech is a Kenyan blogger writing on governance, fraud, politics, social media and celebrity gossip with over three years experience in digital content creation with an incline in editing.

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