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Media personality Maina Kageni has explained why he is so vocal about matters concerning women, maintaining that they deserve everything in life. Speaking during the latest episode of Bonga na Jalas on YouTube, the Classis 105 presenter lauded women, arguing that they do the most compared to men.

Women deserve everything good in life because they are our beginning and I guess that’s enough. Whether it is your mother, sister, wife, girlfriend she is yours, all good things start there. If you later mess them up that’s your fault, not theirs. African society is so pro-men, it’s ridiculous yet women are the ones doing the most in the society,” he said.

Maina also said that he never wanted to be on the radio, however, he changed his mind after doing a voiceover advert for a concert he was organising alongside his team. “I never ever wanted to be on radio, it was the biggest fluke ever. I came back from the UK and I had got into showbiz and I brought Shaggy’s deejays for a show in Kenya. At the time there were only two stations, Capital and Metro. So, we went to pay for the ads and asked if we had Sh40,000 for the voice-over,” he added.

The radio presenter offered to do the voiceover despite having no knowledge about it after which he was warned not to mess. “I asked if I can I do it and I was told it’s your ad and if you spoil it’s your own fault. So, I did it and they asked me if I’ve ever thought about being on radio and I said no. A few months they called me and asked if you are serious about radio, to come and try. I was made to read scripts but I got training from the radio people,” detailed Maina.

He was later made a sports announcer before proceeding to host a show. After three months he was hired by Nation Media Group shortly before leaving for Kiss FM where he earned Sh320,000 per month.

On settling and getting married, Maina said he has not prioritised marriage at the moment over reasons that he says makes sense to him. “Sometimes I think marriage is not for everyone but never say never and I believe that, you know why? Charles Njonjo got married at 54 and he is 100 now, he has not died but try to marry now, you’ll be gone by 63,” he joked. “That’s how you kill yourselves, first of all, your woman will always have more money than you and that’s a fact because she didn’t spend her money, she saves it. So don’t think buying her a Benz is impressing her.”

Maina also explained that he likes to keep his family off the limelight maintaining that there is no reason to publicise them. “Family it’s private because they did not choose this life, I was the one who chose it. I love my entire family but I will not talk about them because they didn’t ask for the attention unless they tell me they would like to say something.”

Kevin Koech is a Kenyan blogger writing on governance, fraud, politics, social media and celebrity gossip with over three years experience in digital content creation with an incline in editing.

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