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Socialite Faith Makau, alias Amber Ray on Tuesday, June 8 went berserk and made all sorts of accusations against her co-wife AmiraAmira, a business lady, is Jamal Marlow’s first wife. Jamal recently married Amber as his second wife. For the better part of the day, Amber engaged her followers on Instagram where she accused Amira of cheating and threatening to kill herself and her children. 

Amira was also accused of demanding a divorce to get attention from Jamal. “You guys don’t know the nonsense I take everyday being forced to be the bigger person because someone claims she would kill herself and her kids by consuming poison. She also has a tendency of demanding a divorce just to get attention, she should just look for some work to do,” wrote Amber

Amber claimed that Amira left her husband and kids and relocated to Dubai and still returned home empty handed. She was also put on the spot for allegedly having an affair with a different man while in Dubai. 

What do you expect from a woman who left her babies for five years and moved to Dubai simply because our husband had no money? And also if she is good enough, why didn’t she get a white man in Dubai because they are not polygamous,” said Amber. She added; “Claiming she was a virgin and after returning they had to use protection for three months just to make sure she had no viruses.” 

Amber also denied using ‘juju’ on Jamal, arguing that Jamal perfectly takes care of his family adding that Amira should instead thank her for stopping their husband from spending up to Sh50,000 per day on women. 

Don’t blame the devil and juju. I have never seen a man who has been charmed and still takes care of his family. For your man to be spending 50k sleeping with different women daily, clearly I’m not the problem so leave me alone. In fact, you should even thank me,” wrote Amber. 

As if that was not enough, Amber shared a photo showing a customized message on Jamal’s car with words, ‘I’m his wife, stay on your lane‘. “The other day I borrowed his car and got this message from your ‘ambassador of positivity’, things are tough, pray for me so that I can afford mine,” she added. 

Responding to the allegations, Amira gave Amber an ultimatum to produce evidence or face her in the court of law. “You realize I am not Amber. Please let her answer I am also eager to see. Otherwise, I’ll file for defamation,” Amira told a local publication. 

Kevin Koech is a Kenyan blogger writing on governance, fraud, politics, social media and celebrity gossip with over three years experience in digital content creation with an incline in editing.

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