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Socialite Vera Sidika is expecting her first child with husband Brown Mauzo.

The mum to be took to social media and made the big announcement through a video and captioned, “16.06.2021, An adventure is about to begin. I love you so much my Husband @brownmauzo254 .”

Watch the video below!

A week ago, the socialite said she was against marriage before meeting her husband,  “Honestly, I used to be against marriage in the past. I said I would never get married. Here I am today its the most sweetest, amazing journey for me so far.

Guess because hubby and I are very compatible plus other than lovers we are best of friends. We talk about everything. No secrets, we joke, laugh, enjoy life, gossip. It’s pure bliss. Never knew marriage can be so beautiful. I think with the right person it works,” she added. 

Vera also hinted on having kids with Mauzo, further throwing shade at her ex-boyfriends terming them jokers and confused men. “I plan my life and let God see me through them. I never in the past planned/wanted kids. I wasn’t ready and also coz I wasn’t in proper, serious relationships. Unfortunately, I dated jokers and confused men who didn’t even know what they wanted in life.

The couple will be celebrating their 1st anniversary in August.  “12th August 2021, 1st anniversary. Wow. Guess what? This is the longest relationship I’ve ever been in and the most unproblematic. No public stunts, no trying to prove a point to nobody just genuinely living life. For some reason, my past relationships lasted 5-6 months but by this time I have known you in and out to know if there’s a future or not,” she said.

I am a journalist, fashion show choreographer, a backstage manager, an actress and the owner of buzzcentral.co.ke. As a journalist, I specifically focus on entertainment and feature writing.

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