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Content  creator Diana Marua has opened up about her relationship with Bahati’s  adopted son Morgan Bahati. In a  lengthy post on social media page, the mother of two stated that she realised she is so blessed after she whole heartedly accepted Morgan as her own son

Marua also talks about the challenges she faced when she first met and lived with the young boy. “Sometimes I sit down and I question God why I am so blessed even when I don’t deserve it, then I hear Him whisper, “you whole heartedly accepted him as your son.” Morgan Bahati you were the first one to call me mummy even when I wasn’t prepared to act the role. I remember one day you came home from playing then you asked me, “Aunty Dee, why are my friends asking me why I call dad (Bahati) daddy and you Aunty and not mum?” she wrote. 

The content creator said that her son’s words hurt her, however she wanted him to address her as his mother at his own will. “Those words pierced my heart and I could see the genuineness in your eyes of you wanting someone to call Mum. I was in your life then and forever. I loved your Dad with everything he had including you and his family. I wanted you to call me “Mum” when you were comfortable, at your own time. This day, you came and asked me that, I told you to call me Mum if you’re okay with it and never have you ever called me “Aunty Dee” again even by mistake,” she said. 

Adding; “I love you as my first baby, more than words can ever explain. I thank God for you always. You are one of the biggest reasons why your dad and I are blessed. Thank you for calling me mummy. You’ve become a big boy now, almost a teenager and you surprise me with your IQ everyday. May His favour and blessings locate you all the days of your life.”

Kevin Koech is a Kenyan blogger writing on governance, fraud, politics, social media and celebrity gossip with over three years experience in digital content creation with an incline in editing.

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