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A local baker got an opportunity to bake ODM party leader Raila Odinga’s 77th birthday cake she spoke about how she landed the gig and preparations for the five-tier cake.  

In an interview with Buzz Central, Eve Gaya of Tunu Bakeries said she had been recommended to bake the cake for the former Prime Minister’s birthday.  “My journey as a baker has taken me to areas that I never imagined.

I would say the most recent was when we received a phone call from the organising committee that we had been proposed and nominated to do honourable Raila Odinga’s 77th birthday cake. I would say this came as a shocker, I did not see it coming at all but I’m happy and glad that we got the privilege to make a birthday cake for Raila,” she said.  

Gaya who is a pharmaceutical technologist explained that the cake was inspired by different aspects as they had to decorate it as a birthday cake and incorporate a bit of patriotism into it. “The cake was inspired by various aspects. One it was a birthday cake and secondly being a national leader of course we had to incorporate a bit of patriotism into it.

The birthday cake was not just a symbol of his birthday but to bring out the milestone that Kenya has gone through. The cake was also supposed to symbolise the administrations that Kenya has had with the hope and aspiration that he is the one who is going to take over the next administration,” she explained. 

While incorporating the patriotism bit of it, Gaya said they also mixed different flavours to represent different cultures in Kenya, “The cake was a mix of different flavours to bring out the different cultures that we have in the country. Kenya is a mix of so many cultures and we didn’t want to discriminateThe six flavours were red velvet, blueberry, mint, chocolate, pina colada and coconut.“ she said. 

Adding, “Preparations took us four days but baking and decorations took us 24 hours. We have a culture of making sure that our cakes are as fresh as possible. The first three days were preparations, gathering ingredients, then the last 24 hours was a marathon of preparations.” Though she did not reveal how much she was paid, she said she was compensated well.

Kevin Koech is a Kenyan blogger writing on governance, fraud, politics, social media and celebrity gossip with over three years experience in digital content creation with an incline in editing.

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