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In a sweet yet emotional birthday post, media personality Sheila Mwanyigha has paid tribute to her dead father on his birthday. 

Mwanyigah celebrated the special occasion by sharing a heartfelt note on her Instagram account. “Hey Dad! It’s another year without you here. As usual lots has happened! I could tell you about the Pandemic, but that would take all day and you’d think I came up with the greatest movie script ever! I still don’t believe what the world has been through!”

She went on to explain how her mum remembers everyone’s birthday, “Mum remembered your birthday! I used to be the one who remembered everyone’s day but Mum’s really great at it now and she sent me a message for you yesterday. Mark is well and his two girls are now in school. Dad, you wouldn’t believe how brave Ama was on her first day at school. Confident, smart and ready to rule. I think just like Ami, she’ll be super great at anything she chooses to do.”

Sheila also said she is trying to figure things out, “I’m alright and figuring out this thing called life. I still have so many questions, and it’s not always easy. By the way, thanks for the Nandi flame flowers you occasionally leave on my car- the one while I was driving, made me jump, but I really did need to pay attention! I know I’ll see you again soon and I can’t wait, but till then here’s to your birthday with lots and lots and lots of love!”

I am a journalist, fashion show choreographer, a backstage manager, an actress and the owner of buzzcentral.co.ke. As a journalist, I specifically focus on entertainment and feature writing.

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