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Oga Obinna’s baby mama Lilian has opened up about their 11 year relationship. Speaking with Presenter Ali, Lilian said she used to pay his rent before he got his first job at Nation Media but things changed when she gave birth to his child and he refused to take responsibility.

She later reconciled and moved in with Obinna and she lived with all his kids including the ones he had sired with other women. But he accused her of being a bad stepmother for cleaning her kids first before she cleaned the other children, “I used to wonder what mattered, whether it was the position in which the children are washed first or whether they have been washed.

Adding that towards the end of their relationship she realised Obinna had a sugar mummy, “I realised he had a sponsor and he used to take the kids to her house and tell them to lie to me. My daughters Ada and Brianna told me. I asked myself if it was right, you may lie to them that she is a friend but kids are not fools. Ada is 8 years old and she knows the difference between a friend and a lover.”

According to Lilian, Obinna went to Mombasa for a vacation with the sugar mummy who bought him his Lexus, “They went to Mombasa and when they came back, she bought him the car he is currently using. I asked him about it and he told me I am not his mother and I should never question him.

She says Obinna asked her to move out from his house in February this year but she refused, in March, she received a phone call that he had moved out, “In March while at work my house help called and told me Obinna had moved all his things and I later found out he had moved into a woman’s house and left me with all his kids.” 

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