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Content creator Natalie Tewa did a celebratory video answering all the juicy questions from her fans to mark 100,000 subscribers on her channel.

In the video, she shut down pregnancy rumours and cautioned people from believing everything they see online, “I think it stemmed from the fact that I have a friend who owns a baby shop and she asked me to post for her a few times. I posted for her and people said I’m pregnant. I don’t know what to say about that, it’s just hilarious.”

Tewa said she is not engaged but enjoys wearing engagement rings and wedding bands to chase away men, “I have this thing where I’ll wear an engagement ring every now and then because I like the aesthetic and number two it really helps as a girl when you go outMen will respect the fact that you are wearing a ring but it is just to chase them away.

She said her biggest insecurity is her skin, “My skin is my biggest insecurity, people who have good skin appreciate that.” Though she has never done plastic surgery, she is open to doing it, “I swear to God I have never done any surgery. I don’t have anything against body alterations, I am the kind of person if I get to a point where I want to get body alterations, imagine I’ll do it.”

On online speculation that a politician had bought her land and a car, she said it was another lie and she currently has three sources of income that finance her life, “Maybe it’s because I don’t usually talk about these things but you people really hear false information a lot.”

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