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Businesswoman and lawyer Susan Kaittany was on the receiving end of the rage of Kenyans on Twitter (KOT).

Netizens descended on the Real Housewives of Nairobi star for her unlikable personality on the show. Under the hashtag #RHONairobi some of the Twitter users called out Susan for being jealous and petty. Buzz Central compiled KOT reactions.

Mwende Ngao: I have seen enough. Vera is the most likeable. Susan is the least likeable. Minnie is the most memorable. Sonal is the sweetest. Lisa is the mzungu and can the classist “jokes” stop. It’s giving rich high school mean girls.

Lord Dave: At the beginning of the show Susan gave Rich girl vibes but lately she seems Like a jealous and Petty character.

Bree: Clearly Susan does not come from money as she wants people to believe. Everything Susan screams new money. She and Minne are on the same league. The only difference is time. 

Willie Oeba: Is it just me thinking Susan is getting so petty and annoying?

Ms Cindie if ya nasty: Not Susan being raggedy and  messy and ma’am please let’s rest the  astronomical hairdos.

Bbg: Episode four is finally out and even though am loving the drama I feel Susan needs to cool her ass down. Anaendelea kunibore. 

Jay Jay: Susan is just one of those ladies who love dramas and scandals also mimic about absent person.

blackanese: Susan thought she was taking notes from Chanel Ayan but she completely off tracked.

Dismas Mark: Who else thinks Susan is trying to be Minne of which yake si natural ata kidogo.

Atieno: Do you have that one friend who is always hating on you and you are like isn’t this now personal? Susan Keitany hate on Minnie is personal now. Now she says she’s just an actor. 

Joy: No but Susan is literally a bully and Lisa is always coming for Minne for no absolute reason.

mallato_nesta: Susan loves to be praised. Also, she always has problems with her lifestyle  with other ladies.

Patricia: Susan Kaittany gives nuclear coonery pretentious levels. One more skin tightening treatment and she’ll literally shrivel up to look like the old money she pretends to be.

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