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Second time’s the charm! Amber Ray and Kennedy Rapudo are engaged again after rekindling their romance weeks after they announced their split.

In a post on social media, the mother of one shared a video of Rapudo proposing to her for the second time, “Loved my way. If You forgot my name. I am Amber Ray and if that is who I am, expect me to be engaged twice by the same bona fide and authentic cavalier. If you were lost in my ways of love, if you thought I was engaged too soon my journey is not your own. So please don’t follow my ways sababu utawachwa. Mad respect to the man who is healing a heart he didn’t break and raising a child he didn’t make and as for us we don’t break up, we break through,” she said.

Days before her baby shower, Amber threw an intimate birthday party for Rapudo with close friends and family, “Happy and blessed I am happy! Happy because I am not defined by what people say, happy because I have a family that loves and cares about what matters to me. My mother gave birth to me and now I’m celebrated by mothers, fathers, sons and daughters that I have come to know as family. 

Today I celebrate my birthday surrounded by love. Tomorrow I celebrate my unborn daughter with the chef and the love of my life. Today I am born again and tomorrow will be better because of the love brewing in my heart. I am not afraid to love because love only gives and has no room to take. Thank you so much mama Africanah for your endless love,” Rapudo wrote.

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