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Ciku Muiruri’s daughter Erica Gachoka and her friend Shanice Agose have been rescued. 

According to Ciku, the suspects in the alleged kidnapping have been arrested. “Yester-evening, Erica and her friend Shanice were found in an empty bedsitter in Gatokoyo where they have been held all of last week. They had been kidnapped in the early hours of Sunday morning after hailing a Bolt Taxi. They were locked in the car, doors had child lock activated and there was a second man hiding in the boot. Attempts to fight them led to Erica being hit on her head and lower leg with a hammer but she did not sustain serious injury. Her friend had cuts on her hand from trying to pull a knife that had been held to her throat by the man in the back.” 

The suspects were demanding Sh500,000 for their release but the media personality refused to pay. “Thereafter they agreed to co-operate until their ransom was paid. The place was dingy, hidden. The conditions were very cold. But they were fed daily. The kidnappers wanted 500k for both of them. They sent messages to both myself and her friend’s mom. The girls say those guys looked like they were unsure what was happening on many occasions. Erica says she was enveloped with a peace she has never experienced. I had that too. So much so that I refused to pay a single shilling to these men. I did not want them to do this to any other family. I did not want to reward bad behaviour.”

Ciku Muiruri and daughter Erica Gachoka.

Ciku urged Kenyans to be careful when using Bolt App at night, “They did not lay a finger on the girls. Please note for your own protection that they told the girls that the Bolt App has many crooks from different gangs doing the exact same thing! He told them: “Stay away from Bolt especially after midnight.” Some were playing detective with all sorts of theories; I asked them to allow DCI to do their jobs. Some were questioning if I was doing enough because I wasn’t doing appeals through the media; I asked them to trust the process and not put my daughter’s life in jeopardy. And all through this, we kept praying.”

On Sunday June 11,  Ciku was informed by the DCI her daughter was rescued, “I got home and messages came in from the kidnapper. He tells me they will do something terrible to Erica that night (and record the video for me to watch) if I don’t send the money. I tell him that it is Corpus Christi Sunday and ask him to read Psalms 91. 

Three wonderful nuns from the Assumption Sisters of Nairobi come to visit. We discuss how this whole experience, like all struggles, is somehow for God’s glory. After they leave, an hour or so later, I receive a phone call from the DCI. They have found the girls and have captured two suspects! I rush to Gatokoyo and hug those DCI officers who have not slept for a week searching for the girls. Much respect to them. And thank you prayer warriors for taking all your prayers to the most high God.” Bolt is yet to address the allegations.

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