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Celebrity couple Eric Omondi and Lynne Njehia have opened up about their pregnancy journey.

In an interview, Lynne talked about losing her first pregnancy, “Miscarriage is not an easy thing, it is so hard. It is something people should start talking about. I wouldn’t want anybody to experience that but this baby has healed me. Mum has played the greatest role, she has helped and guided me.” 

Lynne also said her pregnancy has made her a better person, “The journey has been amazing despite a few health challenges. I have become a better person so I can say this baby is a blessing. When we lost the baby I really wanted to replace that baby, I used to feel I was not complete anymore, I really wanted to be a mum.”

Over the weekend the couple revealed the gender of their baby by dyeing a waterfall, “Its the gender reveal of my dreams I wanted close people that we really talk a lot to be there. I love the waterfall idea because we did not harm the environment. It just food colour and fish food,” said Omondi.

He added, “I wanted a baby girl because in our family we don’t have girls. We are 14 children and only three are girls so I really wanted a girl.”

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