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Content creator Murugi Munyi has ditched the booze. The mother of three made the announcement on her Instagram page, saying she made the decision following a near-death experience.

For some reason, you people don’t believe me, but let me tell you guys. What I went through last week, even the word alcohol is making me want to throw up. I don’t think you people understand how I was feeling last week Saturday. Wait for it to be three months, 6 months, a year, and you will know that I was serious… That’s how bad it was. See I’m on Redbull and people are drinking alcohol. Y’all still don’t believe me but wait and see.” she said.

In a recent interview with Lynn Ngugi, Murugi opened up about her sister Dora Obwaka aka Jesus Girl and her dad battling alcoholism. “My dad growing up was an alcoholic, he was financially available but he was never there physically or emotionally. My sister is currently battling addiction. It has been 10 years of ups and downs with her. You can’t understand addiction until someone close to you is affected. Addiction is a disease. My sister is currently in rehab which is a good thing. At least we know where she is and she is well taken care of.

Munyi also said addiction can be draining to family members, “There are times my sister can stay for up to a year without drinking. As her family, we can only be there for them. I tell her it’s not too late to change, sometimes she compares herself to her mates who are already married and working. People struggling with addiction need love more than empathy. Rehab is not cheap. You might pay Sh60,000 or more for someone.” 

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