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Yvonne Mugure, the outspoken niece of former Kiambu Governor Ferdinand Waititu, has sparked discussion on social media with her candid remarks about the dating culture among Kenyan men

In a recent video post, Mugure humorously highlighted the growing trend of love bombing and gaslighting in the Nairobi dating scene.

Mugure congratulated Kenyan men for their supposed expertise in love bombing, a term used to describe a pattern of excessive attention and affection early in a relationship to gain control or influence. She sarcastically asked if Kenyan men had been taking notes from Nigerian men in Kilimani.

This is for Kenyan men only, I would love to be the first to congratulate you on winning the love bombing Olympics, is it that you meet up with all the Nigerian men in Kilimani and you just take notes and they just tell you how to be the best love bomber?

Is that what’s happening? No offense to Nigerian men, your reputation is known worldwide. Everybody knows you will have the best delusional three months with a Nigerian man but you will get the best princess and queen treatment you’ll ever get.”

Mugure’s comment also included humorous observations about the growing trend of toxic beards. “Kenyan men even have the audacity to start growing the toxic beard.  I just need to know are your love bombings meetings like weekly, bi-weekly or monthly? I just want to know when to expect or is it just like all the time? Why are you guys such gas lighters and love bombers?”

She mentioned that she had only been in Nairobi temporarily but was already feeling traumatized by the dating chaos. She asked Nairobi women how they had managed to survive in such an environment. 

Nairobi women, how have you survived dating in Nairobi and Kenya in general? I’ve just been here temporarily. You were raised in this dating chaos. How are you mentally? Because I am already traumatised and I haven’t been here that long. When I first got here you guys told me about character development. This surpasses character development. This is like something else. How have you guys just made it? Like how are you adjusting to life?

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