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The first-ever Kenyan Original docuseries Nilichoma is set to premiere on May 28 on Showmax. The 10-part docuseries features well-known personalities in Kenya who received an unexpected windfall, and then blew it all. 

The story of starting from nothing, only to fall into immense wealth, is a dream shared by humanity. However, the accompanying fall from grace is a nightmare we dread,” says producer Ahmed Deen.

Nilichoma is a collection of these dreams, shared by personalities we have grown up with and dreamt of being. These personalities either inherited, won or were awarded sums of money beyond their wildest dreams But these dreams turned into a nightmare with more spending and once they hit rock bottom, all that was left were hard lessons learnt.

Nilichoma represents the dreams of Kenyans from all walks of life. The series captures raw emotional moments that allows viewers to reflect and to look into their own hearts through the men and women on the screen,” says co-producer Isaya Evans.

Featuring 10 different stories, Nlichoma will offer viewers an immersive emotional experience with a blend of personal narratives, interviews, archive photos and videos, re-enactments that shed light on the rise and fall, and ultimately, how they became the individuals they are today. Some of the personalities to look out for include cricket icon Maurice Odumbe, comedian JB Masandaku, David Ogot, son to renowned author and politician Grace Ogot, former Samburu millionaire Gabriel Lengishili and more.

Deen and Evans are co-producing the docuseries under Café Luna Films, who have collaborated in productions like The Real Housewives of Nairobi, The Girl with the Yellow Jumper, Shimoni, Igiza and Ayaanle.

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