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Former Nairobi Diaries actress Juddie Jay has explained her absence from social media. In an update on her social media page, the socialite said she was grieving after losing someone close to her. 

Juddie disclosed that the tragedy took a toll on her to the point that it affected her business, but she is grateful to have recovered. “It’s been long since I posted on my IG page. All is well, it’s been a roller coaster of emotions struggling on stuff we can’t really talk about especially when it’s family related and losing someone very dear and close to me, rest her soul. I’ve been slacking behind on business because of this but in God’s Grace I’ve overcome it all,” she wrote. 

Juddie urged her followers to appreciate and show love to people close to them as life can be unpredictable at times. “If you have people close to you that you loved early, ways remind them of how much you love them. Life can switch in a minute and you’ll regret not telling them how much they mean to you. Never take anything for granted, if you’ve offended someone, apologise and try getting on good terms with them. I’m sorry may seem so hard to say but the peace that comes with it, it is worth it,” she added.

Kevin Koech is a Kenyan blogger writing on governance, fraud, politics, social media and celebrity gossip with over three years experience in digital content creation with an incline in editing.

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