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Actor and preacher Robert Burale has tested positive for Covid-19. Burale said he received his test results last week on Wednesday.

So, I waited for the president to give his speech before I put up my post. Now that the country is opened. I owe it to family, friends and people I love this information. Above all, everything we go through Is for Gods glory.

Last week Wednesday I after recording an FB program that airs of Fridays was struggling to breath and rushed to Nairobi Hospital where I was tested for Covid-19 the doctor in the PPE was the most intimidating thing at that moment 24 hours later the results were out.

The doctor walks in to the isolation room and she says “Hello Mr Burale your results are out,” and I reply “So I can go home” she says, “Unfortunately you have tested positive for Covid and we have to now take you to the isolation ward.”

A lot went through my mind I was scared I got angry I was devastated. Then I was worried for my daughter thank God she is perfectly okay.

Well Ladies and Gentlemen, still in shock, you are taken to a treated lift. It opens for you and you are briefed, “When the lift opens you will find somebody waiting for you” and I find a gentleman dressed in the full PPE.

This I only see in movies Kudos to Nairobi Hospital. He immediately calmed me down and walked me to the bed. As I walked through, I saw grown men fighting for their lives. I was scared very scared.

For two days I fought for my life under the great care of the doctors and nurses at Nairobi Hospital. I saw the Hand of God. My progress is good. My vitals are responding well.”

The actor went on to warn people, “For anyone who thinks this thing is a joke. May the Lord have mercy on you. I gathered courage and called a few people who have tirelessly prayed for me and sent encouraging messages.

Please guys be careful. Where did I get it? Your guess is as good as mine I wish I knew.

I have seen the doctors and nurses work so hard to keep people alive. Please remember these frontline warriors in prayer. Encourage them.

The food is served wrapped securely. Opening your food to eat is like opening a bank vault and for a Luhyia like me, Time is of the essence, visitors strictly not allowed. This is my first taste of power. Security is as tight as that of the president.”

I am a journalist, fashion show choreographer, a backstage manager, an actress and the owner of buzzcentral.co.ke. As a journalist, I specifically focus on entertainment and feature writing.

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