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The More Things Change (TMTC) a fiction anthology feature film from the Nest Collective two years in the making is slated for release this month.  TMTC will premier at the NBO Film Festival, on November 12.

The film was made in partnership with Forum Civ, as part of the Wajibu Wetu program. TMTC has been described as a slow-burn, cerebral, dramatic thriller. It boasts the unique narrative of looking back into Kenya’s political past, and then exploring the present, as well as imagining an exciting potential speculative future, to explore resistance by individuals and communities.

Co-directed by Collective members Akati Khasiani and Mars Maasai, the film explores what happens when an ordinary girl takes on a powerful adversary at great personal cost. “We’re really happy to be so close to the release, after many months of work from so many talented people. We can’t wait to see how folks will react!” said Njeri Gitungo, the Nest’s head producer.

The film stars Nyawara Ndambia as the beautiful, determined and assertive Mwix and features notable actors Melvin Alusa, Emmanuel Mugo and Stycie Waweru.

Kevin Koech is a Kenyan blogger writing on governance, fraud, politics, social media and celebrity gossip with over three years experience in digital content creation with an incline in editing.

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