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Radio host Sheila Kwamboka popularly known as Kwambox has revealed the reason why she doesn’t see herself getting married.

Speaking in an interview with SPM Buzz, she said she chose to pursue other things, “Saint Paul told the church marriage is not a must but it is good. So you can choose to or not. For me I have chosen to do other things.”

Adding that she opted to stay single and wait for Christ to return because relationships right now are complicated, “The fabric of what used to hold society together is gone so we are in that confused space trying to figure out what’s next. The church and the government are here trying to tell people let’s go back but the society says let’s move forward. So in that confusion I have said I am going to date myself and wait for Jesus Christ my Lord and Saviour.”

Kwamboka is also taking care of her mental health, “If you think about relationships from that aspect such that even breakups are not a hard thing. A man doesn’t have ties, he doesn’t know your mom or dad so they meet someone else and they move on, so I don’t want it for my mental health. They will give me anxiety and bring me bad energy. That’s why I don’t like talking about relationships. I don’t have anything positive to say.”

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