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Gospel musician Kambua is expecting her third child. The mother of one posted a picture of her baby bump and captioned, “A little over a year ago I held my precious baby boy in my arms as his little body grew cold. I was engulfed in a thick, thick darkness. I got to know heartbreak like I never knew possible. But God. He sat with me in my darkness. And slowly he began to lift me. He reminded me also that years ago I received a doctor’s report that said I could never have children. He reminded me that as the world mocked me He was busy working for my good and His glory. 

Right now a woman somewhere has just learned that her body is not “competent” enough to carry children. Or that her baby won’t survive her pregnancy. A woman has just had a miscarriage maybe for the fifth time. A woman somewhere has just birthed a perfect, sleeping baby. Oh I know the pain. I know it. But I also know that God heals- he gives the strength and courage to move forward. And He restores. Mungu anatutarajia mema. May He heal, carry, and restore you.”

In February 2021, Kambua lost her second born baby Malachi Manundu Muthiga Mathu after he experienced complications. “What a privilege it has been carrying a life yet again. My little baby boy Malachi made a grand entrance into the world a few days ago. He was everything we hoped for, and more, much more. 

Perfect in every way. Malachi knew how much he was loved, and so he did all he could to stay with us. With the help of a most dedicated team of doctors and nurses, our little baby fought, until Jesus healed him by taking him to Himself. Malachi is now free from pain, and any worldly care. Our tears fall freely because our hearts are broken beyond words. 

But our faith and hope remain unshaken because we have our trust in a dependable God. A good, good Father. We may not know how to navigate the days ahead, but God does. And so, we trust Him, a moment at a time. Malachi Manundu Muthiga Mathu. You were deeply loved, and will forever be remembered. Your Father, your mommy, and your brother Nathaniel, will carry you in our hearts always. Please allow us some time to process all of this, we will respond to your calls and messages in due time.”

The musician also got a memorial ring in honour of her departed son, “One of the things I really wanted to do after my baby boy got his angel wings, was to get some memorial jewellery. I wanted something precious, but also functional. Something I could always wear and remember that Malachi was here,” wrote Kambua

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