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Faithless actor Arabron Osanya has revealed his marriage was volatile for years.

Speaking on Buzz Central podcast, the father of seven said he had to change how he reacts when he gets home. “I personally believe that the larger responsibility in terms of the atmosphere at home actually falls on the man. They say ’Nyumba ni ya mama’ so one develop this attitude that whatever happens in the house ni ya mama. I will be very honest and say I had an extremely volatile marriage for many, many years. I did not have anyone to advise me. I was never advised by my father.

He went on to add things changed once he opted for a different approach, “One day I sat down and I thought to myself, if my wife is not going to do things differently then let me do things differently. Slowly but surely I started to observe how I behaved when I entered the house? I started counting to 10 and I stopped reacting badly.

God gave us certain characters for a man and a woman. But at the same time the word of God says man and woman were created equal. That goes through my head every day because if God created us equal, then that means I’m not really above her. If I’m being called the head of the house. I was like let me try and control the atmosphere in the house and I changed my ways.”

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