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Musician turned TV host Teresia Wambui, alias Kush Tracey on Thursday, June 17 disclosed that she attempted suicide at one point in her life. 

Speaking on Switch TV’s ChatSpot, the singer cited depression speaking on how it can affect someone resulting to suicide. 

Depression hits at everyone’s door in different ways and it doesn’t matter what you do for a living, what you’re into, or what you’re passionate about because sometimes you might be at the highest place in your life but depression will creep in and destroy everything,” she wrote. 

On her attempted suicide, Kush Tracey revealed that she tried to take her own life a number of times but she did not succeed. “Suicide is never the answer, been there but it backfired a number of times but at the end of the day, suicide is not the answer. It’s an easy way to go the wrong way,” she stated. 

Kush Tracey’s co-host, Joyce Maina also opened up on her experience disclosing that she also contemplated suicide but never went through it. She stated that it was worse to the point that she researched on how much pills and alcohol she needed to take to end her life.

As much as I say suicide is selfish, you have to get to a really desperate place for you to think that is the best option. I’ve been at that place where I have contemplated it (suicide) but I never went through with it. I researched how many pills I need to take and how much alcohol I needed to drink but the thing that kept me from doing it is my family. I couldn’t see myself doing that to them,” she said. 

Kevin Koech is a Kenyan blogger writing on governance, fraud, politics, social media and celebrity gossip with over three years experience in digital content creation with an incline in editing.

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